Privacy Policy execute for protecting consumers privacy. Our motto is that the protection of privacy builds the trust of users and visitors in online activities. This helps to build confidence. In our privacy policy, we inform you about what type of information we collect when someone visits our website. Furthermore, how we use this information. From this info, you get clear about our website’s privacy policy and terms of use.


Cookies are small text file that is send to your mobile or computer. This file smartly identifies your browser and store in the hard disc. This will helps us to communicate when you open the site.

The main purpose of cookies to gather data about the total number of visitors. It also helps to optimize so that we can deliver the best for users.

This function is built-in in your device, But you can block cookies in the setting. If block then some functions cant do their work properly.

Device Info:

Devices includes all gadgets like Pc, smartphones, tablet, etc collect data to make sure our website works properly in these devices.


We collect data through third-party analytics. This data includes search terms, parameters, clicks of users, and browsing patterns. We don’t share and identify the individual user of this data helps us to make our website more functional to deliver more relevant data.

Log Files:

Sometimes, we automatically log certain information of visitors like browser type and history of the pages that are viewed by visitors.

Alternation in Privacy Policy:

APKbliss has the right to change its privacy policy at any time. If any changes occur in the policy then we will inform our users by sending notifications.


All the above-mentioned info is used to respond quickly to your comments and queries. So if you face any problem or have a question about our privacy policy then contact us at

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