
The content on the website  submitted to APKbliss.com directly by email. Or it is readily available on the internet and public domain. All content including images and videos posted within our rights according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act (Title 17, U.S. Code).

Notification of copyright infringement

APKbliss.com has an agreement with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). With this agreement and other applicable intellectual property laws moreover, we have the authority to give respond to any violation notices and take suitable actions.

In case of publication of your copyrighted material on our website, If it links to your copyrighted material. You have the right consequently, to get return this material through any engine or remove it from our website. Then you have to inform us through writing communications. This written info should include the following data. Another thing you should keep in mind that you will be responsible for damages. The best way is that you should contact first an attorney for legal assistance on this matter.

The following data must include in your copyright violation claim:

  • Provide evidence of the person who is authorized.
  • Complete contact information including valid email address.
  • Further provide enough detail of copyrighted work claimed or at least any search term seems in APKbliss.com search result.
  • A statement that the posted material is not published by the owner, his agent, or any law.
  • A statement that all information is right and provides authority by the owner to claim infringement.
  • Signature of authorized person that acts on behalf of the owner.

Send a copyright infringement claim to  Blissapk@gmail.com

Kindly give us one or two days for responding to the email. Thanks

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